  • For the purposes of the new Act 5/2014 of private security, in its article nº 2, in its paragraph number 1, is understood by private security:

    • 1. Private security: the set of activities, services, features and safety measures adopted by physical or legal, public or private, people made or provided by companies of security, offices of private detectives and staff of private security to deal with acts of deliberate or accidental risks, or make inquiries about people and goods, with the aim of guaranteeing the safety of persons protect their heritage and ensure the normal development of their activities.
    • 2. Private security activities: the material areas in which private security service providers carry out their business and professional action.
    • 3. Private security services: the actions carried out by the private security service providers to realize the activities of private security.
    • 4. Private security functions: the powers conferred on private security personnel.
    • 5. Private security measures: the provisions.

  • 11. Private detective offices: offices consisting of one or more private detectives providing private investigation services.

Remember that in VS Detectives, the  Detectives private are also lawyers.
The legal advice in the investigations and judicial ratifications of our reports.
In VS Detectives we achieve all the requirements previously exposed, so we have the official authorization to practice our profession T.I.P. 1. 716 .
We offer our customers a greater coverage by having:
Criminologists .
Legal experts calligraphers.
Our reports and studies have validity before a tribunal.14 years of experience.  
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VS Detectives Privados con Licencia del Ministerio del Interior (D.G.P.) nº 1716
POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD © Copyright 2014. VS Detectives. Madrid.
Todos los derechos reservados.